Live Plants

Spice things up and create a natural environment full of life with these plant cultures and stems!

Ammania Gracilis Potted


Lindernia Rotundifolia Potted


Ludwigia Brevipes Potted


Ludwigia Repens Rubin Potted


Hygrophila Tiger Potted


Hygrophila Ceylon Potted


Ludwigia Repens Potted


Echinodorus Ozelot Green Potted

$11.50 -SOLD OUT-

Echinodorus Radican Potted

$11.50 -SOLD OUT-

Hygrophila rosanervis Potted


Rotala Bloodii Potted


Bacopa sp. Japan Bare Root

$7.50 -SOLD OUT-

Limnophila sessiliflora Potted


Ludwigia Ovalis Bare Root


Ludwigia Palustris Bare Root

$7.50 -SOLD OUT-

Ludwigia Repens Bare Root


Ludwigia Inclanata Bare Root


Ludwigia Pantanal Bare Root

$7.50 -SOLD OUT-

Ludwigia arculata Bare Root


Ludwigia palustris Super Mini Red

$9.50 -SOLD OUT-

Ludwigia inclinata Potted



$9.50 -SOLD OUT-

Myriophyllum bronze milfoil

$9.50 -SOLD OUT-

Bacopa Monneri

$9.50 -SOLD OUT-

Lilaeopsis novaezlandiae

$9.50 -SOLD OUT-

Rotala Green

$9.50 -SOLD OUT-


$9.50 -SOLD OUT-


$17.00 -SOLD OUT-


$7.50 -SOLD OUT-

Tannin Powder


Assorted Plants (Tank Grown Cuttings)


Lace Fern

$6.80 -SOLD OUT-

Subwassertang Moss


Mr Aqua Reactor Bubble Counter



$7.00 -SOLD OUT-




$6.50 -SOLD OUT-

Banana Lilies

$3.50 -SOLD OUT-

NaPad Plant Growing Pad


LCA Shrimp Vitality


LCA Planaria Fix

from $29.95

LCA Tannin Plus

from $29.95

Assorted Swords


LCA GH Booster Liquid


LCA Triple B (Black Beard Blaster)

from $29.95

Crested Java Fern

$12.50 -SOLD OUT-

LCA Low Tech Complete Liquid Fertiliser

from $29.95

LCA Advanced Red Liquid Fertiliser


LCA All-in-One Shrimp Safe Liquid Fertiliser

from $29.95

LCA All-in-One Liquid Fertiliser

from $29.95 -SOLD OUT-
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